Why is this study being done?

This exciting study will assess change in multiple health, equity, and climate-related outcomes during the COVID-19 recovery period. We will additionally learn how access to transit and other factors impact these changes over time. This research is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evidence for Action Program (Grant # 78646).

Who are we seeking to participate in this study?

Staff members at UC San Diego who live in an area of interest will be asked to participate in this study.

What will happen in this study?

Participants will be provided sensor devices that will be worn on a belt around the waist, which will tell us about your activity throughout your day. Participants will also complete online surveys.

How much time will this study take?

Participants will complete measures at 3 different time points during the 2-year study. They will wear two small sensors for 7 days at the beginning of the study, again 1 year later, and 2 years later. The sensors are worn on a belt around your waist for waking hours only and are not medical devices. Surveys will take ~90 minutes to complete each year.

Will you be compensated for participating?

Study participants may receive up to $150 in compensation for completing all assessments.